Equality, Inclusivity and Diversity Statement 

Having ‘spoken up’ for people throughout my life I thought it important to say that I love to work with anyone regardless of their sexuality, ability, race, religious belief, gender identification, marital status or disability.

Previously as a union steward and Women’s officer I spoke up for many members and as one of the UK’s first Freedom to Speak Up Guardians I was at the forefront of change within the NHS.  Whilst working in Local Government I helped organise a week of events and activities to celebrate International Women’s Week culminating on International Women’s Day. 

I identify as a cis-gendered white able-bodied heterosexual woman my pronouns are she and her and I am fully aware that within some environs I may be assumed to have had a life of privilege, truth be told that is simply not the case.  I fought for equality when undertaking a 4-year Ministry of Defence apprenticeship 1979-1983 (just imagine it ☹) and qualified as an Airframe and Aero-engine fitter! 

I stand with Black Lives Matter, I stand with #MeToo, I stand with the LGBTQ+ community but I learn new things every day and through family debates, education (I recently trained to be a dementia friend), questioning myself and unlearning I strive to be a better, tolerant and more inclusive individual.

I became a Celebrant because I believe that every person should have a choice, rather than a religious minister or humanist celebrant whose ceremonies are constrained by their beliefs or a civil registrar who is tied by legalities, I am free to create wonderful, bespoke and unique ceremonies showcasing the LIFE and LOVES of my clients!

“Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”

– Oscar Wilde